Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bye Sheena

We lost another member of our family today. Sheena has been laid to rest at my mother's new house. I'd been planning on writing a long blog entry, but I find I can't.

All I can say is that Sheena was the best dog anyone could ask for and that her lost will be felt for a very long time. When my husband took me to the spot he buried her at, I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. All I could say was, "Bye Sheena."

No matter how much you feel you're ready or how much you tell yourself it's for the best, it still hits you like a ton of bricks. For the past five or so months, we have gone out of our way to make sure she was comfortable and even though we knew her life wasn't the same, she was never without love.

Even in her last days she would still lean against me asking to be petted. Losing a dog leaves an emptiness behind that can't be described. The kind of unconditional love they give you can never be replaced.

I hope she's up there with my dad and all of the others we have lost recently.

Bye Sheena...we miss you already.

(Below is a slideshow I put together of our last trip with her this past Sunday)


Reeny said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your puppy dog. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Shiela said...

Oh Mel, I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to your dear friend. What a lovely tribute though. Sheena was loved and she will always be remembered.


Jennifer A. said...


You know I love you girl, and you know I am feeling your pain. I'm still bawling from watching the video. It seems like yesterday that I loss Jessi and Jake.

Sheena was a good girl and she had a happy life. You did the best you could for her. Take comfort in that.

Connie said...

Melly, I'm so sorry. I really don't have any other words.

Anonymous said...

Oh hon. I am so, so sorry. *big hugs* to you, B and J.

Love ya girl.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your treasured furry companion. ***hugs***