Friday, June 6, 2008

Is there anything worse...

Than waiting for a phone call? My mom called me earlier and told me my dad checked himself into the hospital with chest pains. She was in the waiting room when she called and they just told her she could go back when she hung up. I'm hoping no news is good news or something like that.

Anyway, what's weird is that my mind wants to stick to its routine. I keep thinking, "You should go to bed so you'll wake up in time to get J to school and go to work."

But all I can do is wait some more...

Edited to add: Please, PLEASE pray for me and my family. My mother needs me. They keep shocking him. I have to drive to Maryland. Thanks.

Edited again to add: Well, my dad's doing better now. I talked to my mother, who is still at the hospital and she said something like it was a clot and the medicine had his heart going in and out. Or something like that. I'm very tired. Anyway, they are driving him to another hospital to have a angliplasty (too tired to spell that out) done. It's looking good.

Oh man. That was scary. I'm just so grateful he's doing better. In fact, he's now worried about work. (We have that in common).

Please continue to keep my dad in your thoughts for a complete recovery...


J.K. Coi said...

You and your family are in my prayers. I'm glad that your father is doing better. Take care of your parents and yourself.

Jennifer A. said...

Oh Melly... call me if you need me. Sending positive thoughts and big hugs.


Connie said...

You and your family will be in my thoughts, and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the angioplasty goes well.

Anonymous said...

I've been through this three times with my mom in the last few years - I know how scary it is.

I will be praying for your dad and you and the rest of the family.

Keep us updated when you can.

Love & hugs,