Monday, May 12, 2008

Melly's Thoughts and something free!

How do you like my new picture for Melly's Thoughts? Pretty cool, huh? Nonnie from designcreativelee did it for me. She's going to be drawing me a lot of cool pictures that I'll be featuring in blog entries to come.

My schedule is going to be pretty topsy-turvy this week, so please bear with me.

Instead of reviews today, I wanted to let everyone know about my new book coming out. It's a free read! Yes, you read that right. Free! It's my gift to my readers!

It's called Happy Anniversary, Baby, and I just signed the contract last week. This is the story of Gary and Pam Foster's fifth anniversary. Can you believe they've been married five years? Well, in "book" time anyway. You might remember Gary and Pam from On the Run. Lynn Kelly, now Lynn McBride, from Born to Run and Pam's friend Lizzie, decide to surprise their friend Pam with a anniversary party. But things don't go exactly as they planned...

It will also feature cameos from Racing for the Shore and be a prologue of sorts for my current work-in-progress, so be sure to stay tuned for release details.

Happy Monday! If there is such a thing...

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