Monday, December 1, 2008

Can I Buy a Vowel?

Sorry I haven't been blogging as much as I'd like. My newest obsession *coughFacebookcough* has been taking all my time. To be more specific, the game Word Challenge has been taking all my time.

Well, if it was just me, I could probably quit. Word Challenge is a game where letters are scrambled and you have to make the most words out them. The longer the word the more points you get. I usually suck at these games, but it was a good time waster. Well, one day my husband saw me playing and interested.

Then suddenly he's behind me shouting out words. Yes, it has been helpful except, well, he likes the game a lot. You can either click on the letters to form words or type them out. Typing is a lot easier, but he can't type very fast...or at all really. Since I can type fast (you have a time limit) he needs me to play with him. (heh).

It was Saturday night and we were was all good. But it started getting later. "One more game!" he'd say. "I know we can get higher!" You can see your friends scores and since I have a lot of friends from Pet Society, plus my own friends, we had far to go up the leader board.

Before we know it, it's two o'clock in the morning and my fingers are so stiff they were like claws. I don't type this much when I'm writing!

"I want to go to sleep," I'd whine.

"Just one more!" he'd say in a soothing Drill Sergeant voice.

Always one more! Last night he tried this trick, but I told him I HAD to go to sleep because I had to wake up our son for school in the morning. I mean, hello?!?

But even after cutting him off, I still had a hard time sleeping. I was constantly forming words in my head.

I'm going to have to teach my husband to type or something. Or pretend like the game is broken. Or the internet. "Aww..I'm sorry. The internet is broken. Yes, all of it. Didn't you see the news?"

*sigh* But hey, it's a nice couple activity. Except when he's yelling out some crazy letters and gets mad because I ignore him until I finally snap and yell back, "THAT'S NOT A FREAKING WORD." Well, I didn't always use the word freaking.

Good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In a soothing Drill Sergeant voice.